Designed specifically for the Gantry, it has been adopted by Adimlab as the officially recommended auto leveling solution. It replaces the metal extruder cover with a 3-D printed plastic one that provides mounting points for a capacitive probe and a 5015 radial fan for part cooling. The fan blows into a ring vent which cools all the way around the nozzle without cooling nozzle itself. It comes with a replacement extruder fan vent eliminating the use of the extruder fan as a part cooling fan and directing all of its output to cooling the extruder, which minimizes heat creep. The capacitive probe plugs into a proprietary voltage module that allows the probe to work at 24v but protects the main PCB control board by only delivering a 5v signal. It allows you to utilize the uniform bed leveling (UBL) routines baked into Marlin, generally considered the best in the industry.
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